Daun Pepaya ( Carica papaya lf )

Daun Pepaya or papaya leaves, has a latin name: Carica Papaya.

Papaya leaves are very well known in Indonesia , the leaves are often used as " vegetables " or extra side dishes that many people enjoy doing , even if it tastes bitter . Papaya leaves contain vitamins A , B , C , D and E , are also high in calcium .

Benefits of Papaya Leaf , among others :
1.Cure Dengue
2. Have Anti-Cancer Substance
3.Prevent Worms
4.Anti Malaria
5.Increase Appetite
6.Reduce bacterial growth
7.Reduce Dysmenorrhea
8.Anti Acne
9.Smoothing Digestion
10.Prostate healing
11.Increase value Platelets
12.Dissociate Mosquitos in Natural way


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